Color Palette Mixes

CMYK: 100/60/0/50
PMS: 2955
RGB: 0/56/108
HEX: 00386C

CMYK: 0/25/90/0
PMS: 123C/7406U
RGB: 255/195/51

CMYK: 81/55/0/0
RGB: 17/114/222
HEX: 1172DE

CMYK: 70/37/0/0
RGB: 48/146/239
HEX: 3092EF

CMYK: 0/14/82/0
RGB: 255/215/73

CMYK: 8/40/75/2
RGB: 225/158/85
HEX: E19E55

CMYK: 45/40/42/30
RGB: 113/110/107
HEX: 716E6B

CMYK: 0/2/4/15
RGB: 220/215/210

CMYK: 0/74/85/0
RGB: 242/105/57
HEX: F26839

CMYK: 12/87/100/2
RGB: 211/71/39
HEX: D34727

Ratios of Color

Although we have a secondary color palette, blue and white should be the predominant colors used in most designs. Gold is one of our primary colors, but because it can become quickly overwhelming, use it sparingly like an accent color. Utilize these ratios as a guide for balancing our blue, negative space and the rest of our palette.

  • Blue: 40%
  • Gold: 5%
  • White: 40%
  • Gray: 8%
  • Accents: 7%

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  • 1500 Education Drive
  • Commerce, TX 75428
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